The KnindProject is a project that makes games accessable for the blind.
its a very big project with currently a complete custom chess game called GeoChess with more games being developed along time the board will be used for all games so only the play pieces are being changed.
What games are we talking about?
Boardgames or digital games.
While most games out there have a flat board without any markings for the visually limited or fully blind people.
I try to make boards that can be seen by hands and pions that have a special design this way u can see what is what and where is where by just feeling the board or peices.
What did u make already?
Currently i made a full Chess boardgame and the base board for use on any game.
Working with the system geochess uses geometric shapes to show what pion is what and based on the base u can feel whos piece it is.
The board itself is a solid board with indents showing each square seperately with a plug hole in the middle all peices and gamemodes fit into these squares allowing multiple games to be played on it!
What games do u make?
Currently i make new ideas when time goes by.
But Blindwars is something i was thinking about something like seabattle but different board and pieces while the game is the same.
However when time goes by i might find other ideas aswell
The Game board?
Almost all board games have a playfield thats smooth and do not have a way to feel the board itself.
Let alone use it for different games at once with a few exceptions of expensive games.
Most boardgames that exists for the blind are way to expensive to purchase due to slim marked and no control over the max pricing.
This board is made up of squares 10 by 10 each square has either a rised bevel or a lowered bevel to seperate them by touch They all contain a square hole in the middle this hole is ment for pieces to fall into preventing them from tipping over or moving by accident while remaining easy to pickup and move around.
The outer edge of the board is specially made to keep the gameplay within the board if using for example a dice.
The edge also holds the fall in place lock that makes the board hold itself together simply lift up one of 2 quarters and its loose to remove. See below for photos and seperated explanation
Gameplay pieces?
Most games like chess or backgammon use game peices like pions or disks.
The pieces this game system uses are specially made unique to be feelable and usable on the special feelable gameboard.
this makes endless possibilities possible making extending the games a great opportunity with all ease!
Can i design games for this?
Yes but with a few rules.
I will make a special page for 3D hobbyist to design custom games altogether with rules.
Since i do not want this to blow up and become one big marketing trick that People can earn money over blind People their backs
(Coming soon)
Can i request something?
Yes you can always ask me however i dont know if things are possible or that if i have the time to do it.
but im always open for suggestions questions and feedback!
Check my contact page for more info on how to contact me!
Here are photo’s and detailed descriptions showcasing the games and board that are made already this list grows along the way!